ods html close; %let gpath='C:'; %let dpi=300; ods listing style=htmlblue image_dpi=&dpi gpath=&gpath; data LFT; input test $ a b @@; cards; ALAT 1.05198 0.97755 ASAT 0.78177 0.59554 ALKPH 0.20475 0.20589 BILTOT 0.12868 0.10760 ALAT 1.00211 1.19132 ASAT 1.07368 0.85466 ALKPH 0.69033 0.56213 BILTOT 0.38943 0.50285 ALAT 0.63396 0.53781 ASAT 0.05348 0.14887 ALKPH 0.75340 0.07973 BILTOT 0.87345 0.44291 ALAT 0.70381 0.81970 ASAT 1.03230 0.83068 ALKPH 0.42431 1.05635 BILTOT 0.14320 0.54282 ALAT 0.23767 0.62809 ASAT 1.90154 1.76075 ALKPH 0.41850 0.28345 BILTOT 0.54899 0.32524 ALAT 0.70693 0.89745 ASAT 0.30255 0.47380 ALKPH 0.13230 0.28027 BILTOT 0.81690 0.14692 ALAT 0.12827 0.37964 ASAT 0.80481 0.03603 ALKPH 0.18448 0.53166 BILTOT 1.19420 0.35609 ALAT 0.82422 0.85656 ASAT 0.03430 1.25747 ALKPH 0.21351 0.17765 BILTOT 0.32556 0.49431 ALAT 1.06820 0.28720 ASAT 0.95546 1.11008 ALKPH 0.03092 1.04798 BILTOT 0.57001 0.03822 ALAT 0.23055 0.77542 ASAT 0.10612 1.29305 ALKPH 0.03577 0.10963 BILTOT 0.79160 0.28032 ALAT 0.78603 0.45259 ASAT 0.24872 0.96720 ALKPH 0.50077 0.55558 BILTOT 0.38930 0.03795 ALAT 0.54711 2.20000 ASAT 2.11348 0.77847 ALKPH 0.31640 0.04882 BILTOT 0.12872 0.48268 ALAT 0.78600 0.46686 ASAT 0.24883 0.49811 ALKPH 0.03704 0.25468 BILTOT 0.12923 0.17796 ALAT 0.48393 0.45078 ASAT 1.56288 1.35533 ALKPH 0.43352 0.66135 BILTOT 1.06012 0.85799 ALAT 0.46068 0.25030 ASAT 1.56448 0.52508 ALKPH 1.00876 0.57161 BILTOT 0.44817 0.19389 ALAT 1.06331 0.00000 ASAT 1.38521 0.19008 ALKPH 0.35466 0.61868 BILTOT 1.24180 0.04822 ALAT 0.48065 0.40992 ASAT 1.05618 0.78853 ALKPH 0.19355 0.66358 BILTOT 0.73715 0.09852 ALAT 1.21493 0.64416 ASAT 0.70453 2.51609 ALKPH 0.26489 0.33604 BILTOT 0.72164 0.33025 ALAT 1.04961 0.97218 ASAT 0.32183 1.35889 ALKPH 0.03934 0.41986 BILTOT 0.20788 0.12524 ALAT 0.11145 0.80421 ASAT 0.29223 0.94908 ALKPH 0.00864 0.05148 BILTOT 0.08176 0.00000 ALAT 0.54881 0.48289 ASAT 0.23306 0.33808 ALKPH 0.58716 1.01387 BILTOT 0.73317 0.01936 ALAT 0.70290 0.42668 ASAT 0.60399 1.09609 ALKPH 0.27376 0.00000 BILTOT 0.17014 0.16435 ALAT 0.90385 1.06340 ASAT 0.00000 1.04065 ALKPH 0.19284 0.27968 BILTOT 0.02284 0.10508 ALAT 0.77662 0.27623 ASAT 0.79289 0.78862 ALKPH 0.24560 0.33058 BILTOT 0.44045 0.52485 ALAT 1.15780 0.11335 ASAT 0.96932 0.84560 ALKPH 0.07827 0.29355 BILTOT 0.13112 1.50000 ALAT 0.50103 0.61329 ASAT 1.11541 0.08967 ALKPH 0.74840 0.43341 BILTOT 0.47621 0.85664 ALAT 0.36086 0.50746 ASAT 2.03550 1.30451 ALKPH 0.56854 0.43620 BILTOT 0.09094 1.26472 ALAT 0.95770 0.63754 ASAT 2.03683 1.83280 ALKPH 1.40042 0.12018 BILTOT 0.22545 0.43027 ALAT 0.32817 0.50025 ASAT 2.60000 0.24234 ALKPH 0.13532 0.21778 BILTOT 0.55075 0.48568 ALAT 0.26668 0.45166 ASAT 1.06058 0.83500 ALKPH 0.22807 0.62830 BILTOT 0.46843 0.16910 ALAT 0.28617 0.55219 ASAT 0.30707 0.52809 ALKPH 0.55278 0.04707 BILTOT 0.06412 0.37335 ALAT 0.28907 0.14920 ASAT 0.10258 0.75400 ALKPH 0.00730 0.10016 BILTOT 0.47780 0.23071 ALAT 1.16461 0.92092 ASAT 0.80571 0.22561 ALKPH 0.17983 0.62150 BILTOT 0.53452 0.77714 ALAT 0.05326 0.51731 ASAT 1.09366 1.67147 ALKPH 0.56498 0.30936 BILTOT 0.07047 0.34371 ALAT 1.05258 0.05138 ASAT 0.15650 0.38367 ALKPH 0.09618 0.50434 BILTOT 0.59625 1.44028 ALAT 0.10204 0.33631 ASAT 0.95273 0.15079 ALKPH 0.70621 0.06809 BILTOT 0.37559 0.92632 ALAT 0.76055 0.72907 ASAT 1.36379 0.12393 ALKPH 0.03081 2.00000 BILTOT 0.92652 0.19981 ALAT 0.95481 0.32130 ASAT 0.75320 2.50581 ALKPH 0.23371 1.17739 BILTOT 0.30880 0.22500 ALAT 1.96947 0.05734 ASAT 2.58784 0.21524 ALKPH 0.76119 0.48148 BILTOT 0.25826 0.52166 ALAT 1.03068 0.14734 ASAT 2.44450 0.48403 ALKPH 0.34170 0.34804 BILTOT 0.17433 0.35974 ASAT 3.87010 1.10330 ASAT 3.67890 1.00120 ; run; data LFT_Group; keep Test Drug Value; set LFT; Drug='A (N=209)'; value=a; output; Drug='B (N=405)'; value=b; output; run; ods html; proc print data=lft_group(obs=5) noobs;run; ods html close; /*--Max LFT Graph at default settings--*/ %let dpi=100; ods listing style=htmlblue image_dpi=&dpi gpath=&gpath; ods graphics / reset imagename='LFT_Default'; title 'Distribution of Maximum LFT Values by Treatment'; footnote1 j=left "For ALAT, ASAT and ALKPH, the Clinical Concern Level is 2 ULN;"; footnote2 j=left "For BILTOT, the CCL is 1.5 ULN: where ULN is the Upper Level of Normal Range"; proc sgplot data=LFT_Group; vbox value / category=test group=drug nofill; refline 1 1.5 2 / lineattrs=(pattern=shortdash); xaxis display=(nolabel); yaxis label='Maximium (/ULN)'; run; /*--Max LFT Graph at 3.25 in @ 300 dpi--*/ %let dpi=300; ods listing style=htmlblue image_dpi=&dpi gpath=&gpath; ods graphics / reset width=3.25in height=2.44in imagename='LFT_Small'; title h=0.9 'Distribution of Maximum LFT Values by Treatment'; footnote1 j=left h=0.7 "For ALAT, ASAT and ALKPH, the Clinical Concern Level is 2 ULN;"; footnote2 j=left h=0.7 "For BILTOT, the CCL is 1.5 ULN: where ULN is the Upper Level of Normal Range"; proc sgplot data=LFT_Group; vbox value / category=test group=drug nofill; refline 1 1.5 2 / lineattrs=(pattern=shortdash); xaxis display=(nolabel); yaxis label='Maximium (/ULN)'; run; title; footnote; /*--QTc Plot--*/ data qtc_group; label qtc='Change in QTc Interval (msec)'; label value='Cumulative Percent'; keep qtc value drug; start=-30; end=60; last=90; incr=1; range = end-start; offset = range / 2; do qtc=start to end by incr; drug='Drug A (N=215)'; value=50+50*sin(3.1415*(qtc-start-offset)/range); output; drug='Drug B (N=429)'; value=value+2*rannor(1); output; end; do qtc= end+incr to last by incr; drug='Drug A (N=215)'; value=100; output; drug='Drug B (N=429)'; value=value+0.5*rannor(1); output; end; run; ods html; proc print data=qtc_group(obs=5) noobs; run; ods html close; /*--QTc Graph at default setting--*/ %let dpi=100; ods listing style=htmlblue image_dpi=&dpi gpath=&gpath; ods graphics / reset imagename='QTc_Default'; footnote j=left "Note: Increase < 30 msec 'Normal', 30-60 msec 'Concern', > 60 msec 'High'"; proc sgplot data=qtc_group cycleattrs; series x=qtc y=value / group=drug; keylegend / location=inside position=bottomright across=1; xaxis values=(-30 to 90 by 10); yaxis grid values=(0 to 100 by 10); refline 0 30 60 / axis=X lineattrs=(pattern=shortdash); run; footnote; /*--QTc Graph with width=3.25in @ 300 dpi--*/ %let dpi=300; ods listing style=htmlblue image_dpi=&dpi gpath=&gpath; ods graphics / reset width=3.25in height=2.44in imagename='QTc_Small'; footnote j=left h=0.8 "Note: Increase < 30 msec 'Normal', 30-60 msec 'Concern', > 60 msec 'High'"; proc sgplot data=qtc_group cycleattrs; series x=qtc y=value / group=drug lineattrs=(thickness=2); keylegend / location=inside position=bottomright across=1; xaxis values=(-30 to 90 by 10); yaxis grid values=(0 to 100 by 10); refline 0 30 60 / axis=X lineattrs=(pattern=shortdash); run; footnote; /*--QTc Graph with width=4in @ 300 dpi--*/ ods graphics / reset width=4in height=3in imagename='QTc_4x3'; footnote j=left h=0.8 "Note: Increase < 30 msec 'Normal', 30-60 msec 'Concern', > 60 msec 'High'"; proc sgplot data=qtc_group cycleattrs; series x=qtc y=value / group=drug lineattrs=(thickness=2); keylegend / location=inside position=bottomright across=1; xaxis values=(-30 to 90 by 10); yaxis grid values=(0 to 100 by 10); refline 0 30 60 / axis=X lineattrs=(pattern=shortdash); run; footnote;