Stress Tip: Take Time for ME Time


Many of us have schedules packed so tight we don’t have room to eat a meal sitting down much less read a novel or go for a long walk. With work, family, friends and other commitments, our days, weeks and months speed by us. It is easy to get caught up in the chaos of busyness and find ourselves feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. If this describes your life, I’d like to challenge you to make a change. If you can find 15-30 minutes a day every day (stay with me, it can be done) to invest in you, you will start to see positive changes quickly.

Finding time every day may seem impossible. If so, try to find 15-30 minutes every other day or a few times a week and put this time on your calendar. Don’t look at this week’s calendar – it’s full already – look at next week or the week after, set a date to begin your new habit of ME time.

So what do you do during me time? That’s up to you. Before your life became chaotic, what did you do for fun? What can you do in 15-30 minutes that can help you relax and recharge your batteries? Here are some ideas:

  • Read a chapter in a novel
  • Yoga or Meditation
  • Watch your favorite TV show on Netflix
  • Go for a walk
  • Throw a ball with your dog
  • Sit on your back porch with a cup of tea
  • Call a friend and catch up
  • Take a bubble bath
  • Write in your journal
  • Create something – crafts, woodworking, drawing or writing (also known as hobbies, remember them?)

That all sounds pretty indulgent for us busy people, doesn’t it? It’s not! If you think it is, drop the judgment and/or guilt and just give it a try. Tell your family and friends you are starting this new habit and ask for their support. Taking time for ourselves reduces our stress levels and replenishes our energy levels. This makes us better parents, friends, co-workers, employees, sons and daughters. It makes us happier.

I encourage everyone reading this blog to put some ME time on your calendar and follow through with it. What are you going to do? Share your ideas and experiences in the comments section.


About Author

Dana Aderhold

Manager, Work Life Programs

Dana Aderhold is the Manager of onsite Work/Life and EAP Programs for SAS. She manages both US and Global EAP programs and can help any employee or dependent better understand and use the EAP. She has both Bachelor and Master of Social Work degrees from NC State University and worked for several years with Wake County mental health programs.

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