
Carol Newcomb
Carol Newcomb, SAS Information Management Consultant

Carol Newcomb has 25 years of experience in information management, particularly in the healthcare industry. She specializes in the design and implementation of data governance programs. Carol has worked with the Department of Education to design a long range data strategy and has designed data stewardship and broad organizational training materials to ensure ongoing program success. Prior to SAS, she held positions at The Joint Commission, Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Henry Ford Health System, and UHC. She is the author of the SAS E-book “When Bad Data Happens to Good Companies” and has written numerous blogs and white papers, including “Implementing Data Governance in Complex Healthcare Organizations.”

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The burden of data governance: top 10 fallacies

One of the biggest impediments to (and failures of) a new data governance program is the perceived level of “extras” required. Let’s enumerate some of the concerns that I hear consistently from our clients: Extra people will be required to staff the implementation. Extra budget money will be needed to fund the

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10 ways data governance is like golf

Each year during springtime in the Midwest, we long-suffering residents slowly disentangle ourselves from the grips of Old Man Winter – one twisted finger at a time. Like clockwork, with spring comes hopes of golf, and dreams of that par game I was never able to put together last summer.  So (ever hopeful) I visited a golf

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Data governance by fiat

Who said you can’t mandate data governance?  Who says it has to be some smarmy, politically correct, incremental pitter-patter of a tiptoe into the bomb-laden lion’s den of IT super-forces?  How come so many other rules are blindly followed, up and down the corporate ladder?  The police have rules, don’t