Yearly Archives: 2015

Data Management
David Loshin 0
Agility in data availability

In my recent posts, I've been exploring the issues of integrating data that originates from beyond the organization. But this post looks at a different facet of extra-enterprise data management: data availability. In many organizations, there's a growing trend of making internal analytical data accessible to external consumers. I can

Toby Text 0
SAS 9.4 - Weihnachtsbaum basteln (SAS Adventskalender 24. Türchen)

Beim adventlichen Weihnachtsstern Basteln am vierten Advent hob ich schon warnend den Finger und hielt Sie gemäß des Mottos „Save a Tree“ dazu an, beim Ausdruck  der Schnittmuster mit dem Papier ressourcenschonend umzugehen. Vor dem Hintergrund der in Paris erfolgreich verhandelten Begrenzungen des zukünftigen CO2-Ausstoßes,  muss man sich ja auch noch

Customer Intelligence | Internet of Things
Jakobus Dorloff 0
Mein Bekenntnis: Ja, ich möchte ein bequemer Nicht-Sucher werden!

Am Jahresende Dinge noch einmal Revue passieren lassen und sich melancholisch an frühere Jahre zurückerinnern, ist sicherlich nicht nur meine Passion. Wie in jedem Jahr haben mich auch in diesem wieder einige Buzzwords verfolgt, die ich das eine oder andere Mal durchaus “einfach so” hingenommen habe. Aber im rethorischen Dickicht von Big

Nicole Tschauder 0
Wetter - bleiben die Wege schneefrei? (SAS Adventskalender 23. Türchen)

Der letzte Tag vor Heiligabend! Die Farbe an ein paar wenigen Geschenken trocknet noch, die letzten Geschenke werden verpackt und die letzten Schleifen gebunden. Ein letztes Mal setzt sich das Christkind mit seinen Auslieferungs-Engeln zusammen.  Wird das Wetter mitspielen? Unsere bisherigen Themen: Business Analytics allgemein (1), Vergangenes analysieren – Künftiges

Machine Learning
Christina Engelhardt 0
Come chat with us!

In today’s world of instant gratification, consumers want – and expect – immediate answers to their questions. Quite often, that help comes in the form of a live chat session with a customer service agent. The logs from these chats provide a unique analysis opportunity. Like a call center transcript,

Data Management
David Loshin 0
Agility in external data ingestion

In two previous posts (Part 1 and Part 2), I explored some of the challenges of managing data beyond enterprise boundaries. These posts focused on issues around managing and governing extra-enterprise data. Let’s focus a bit on one specific challenge now – satisfying the need for business users to rapidly ingest new data sources. Sophisticated business

Jay Laramore 0
A fun holiday problem in PROC IML

Santa Claus and his elves are gearing up for another holiday season, busy filling orders and wrapping gifts for all of the good little boys and girls. Since snowglobes are popular gifts this year, Santa Claus has dedicated an entire department to build and wrap the 32,768 snowglobe orders that

Patrick Homer 0
The analytics-driven marketing evolution in life sciences

PharmaVOICE recently published an article: Analytics Driven Marketing for the pharmaceutical industry and I was fortunate enough to be interviewed. The article discusses the increased use of advanced analytics to make better marketing decisions, the progress that has been made and the challenges that still need to be overcome. Within

Marty Hultgren 0
Quote confusion: How do quotes and macro work together?

The English language, a mishmash of words from many tongues and with rules that aren’t always consistent, sometimes causes people to stumble when writing quotes. There are numerous humorous websites with examples of incorrectly-used quotes on signs saying things like “Sandwiches Prepared ‘Fresh’,” or “Help ‘Wanted’ – Please ‘inquire’ within”.

Paula Brown 0
Creating the care we deserve

Earlier this month I attended my first Forbes Healthcare Summit, where the stated goal for this year was to “figure out how to create the kind of care we know we deserve.” The event offered a unique gathering of pharmaceutical, health care and biotechnology chief executives engaged in frank discussions

Paula Brown 0
Creating the care we deserve

Earlier this month I attended my first Forbes Healthcare Summit, where the stated goal for this year was to “figure out how to create the kind of care we know we deserve.” The event offered a unique gathering of pharmaceutical, health care and biotechnology chief executives engaged in frank discussions

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